My first magazine publication, what an adventure.
Last fall I read the call for submissions for Knit Now spring 2013. I had my submission that I made for the Designer 101 course and as I had based that on a real pattern I desided to give it a try.
At the same time I saw a nice stitch pattern in a very old Dutch ladies magazine, which I wanted to make reversible and use for a cowl. It turned out as I intended and I desided to submit that one too.
From the designers groups on Ravelry I know that getting a submission accepted is far from a sure thing. So when I heared back I was expecting a polite decline. But they were accepted, both of them. Wow, I had some serious writing and knitting to do.
First there was yarn to pick. Kate arranged a beautifull yarn for me, a yarn I never used before.
Soliloqy in the This is a dagger colour, kindly provided by Tallyarns.
What a nice yarn to work with. A little thinner than the yarn I used for my test knit, so some recalculation was needed. It turned out very nice. Unfortunately I got a concussion a few days before the deadline. Finishing the pattern in time took all concentration I had, so I did not take any pictures before sending it in.
But I have some pictures of my first test knit.
On the 2nd of May the magazine came out. Can't wait to see it in print.